How does it work? When you place an order on this site, just enter your credit card information into the Payment Information section of the order form. When the order is submitted, this infornation is sent over a secure connection. The validity of your credit card information is confirmed and the system prompts you to correct any mistakes. However, your card is not charged until after we’ve accepted the order. You will be contacted by a customer service representative by the next business day to establish the parameters of the appraisal assignment. Once this is complete, your card is charged and you will automatically receive a transaction receipt via e-mail for your records. Is it safe? Absolutely! Our web site is protected by industry-standard Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption. This means that every sensitive communication between your computer and our web server is scrambled. If any payment data gets illegally intercepted, it’s completely unreadable. Paying electronically at QSource, Inc. is as safe as safe as shopping at We understand that some people are simply not comfortable with online financial transactions. So if you prefer not to enter your credit card information online, you can simply order by telephone on Monday through Friday, between 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM. If you have any questions about paying for services with a credit card, or any other payment option, please feel free to call 888-959-7855 (toll free) or e-mail us at |